Tuesday 16 June 2015

How to setting tab stops and leaders using the tabs.

You can also create tab stops using the tabs dialog box.make sure the insertion point is located where you want the new tab stops to begin.if the text you want to format is already entered,select it.access the tabs dialog box,choosing format tabs from the menu bar.in the tab stop position text box,type the location for the tab stop you want to create.in the alignment control,choose how you want text to align at the tab stop.the leader control lets you select a leader to lead the reader's eye across the text.the leader preccedes the tabbed text.when you have set the position,type and leader if you wish for the tab stop,click the set button.the new tab stop will be added to the list.repeat these steps to set any other tab stops.some users find the tabs dialog box an easier way of changing tab stops than dragging arrow around the ruler.1 select the tab stop from the list below the tab stop position control.2 change the alignment and leader option.3 click set to apply your changes.to remove an existing tab stop,select if from the list and click the clear button.clicking clear all removes all the tab stops you added reverting to the default tab setting.when you are finished setting tab stop,click ok to close the tabs dialog box,to see where tabs have been typed in existing text,click the show/hide paragraph marks button on the standard toolbar.you'll see a right pointed arrow to indicate a tab.

Tuesday 16 June 2015 by latest videos · 0

Saturday 6 June 2015

Making fonts work for you.

All the fonts use by window programs  are managed by window,so fonts available in one office 2000 application are available in all the others.unless you want to apply unique formatting like a double underline,you'll be able to make most of your font formatting changes using the formatting toolbar.the toolbar includes buttons and drop down menus that let you choose a font,size effects such as bold,ital ics,and underline,and font color.if you need font options that are not available on the toolbar,open the font dialog box.word's font dialog box has three pages tabs.font character spacing and text effects.on the font page you can select font attributes and how a font will look by nothing the changes in the preview as you apply desired styles,sizes underlining,color and effects word 2000 provides nine different underline options.there are 11 effects that you can apply from the font dialog box.you can use strike through and double strikethrough to show proposed in a contract or bylaws.use superscript and superscript to place special characters in formula H20 or rr2.shadow,outline emboss,and engrave stylize the text so that it stands out.small caps and all caps are typically used in document like letterheads or business cards.the small caps effect converts lowercase letters to smaller versions of the capital letters.to use small caps,enter all the text in lowercase or mixed case and then apply the small caps effect.hidden text doesent'print and can only be seen when show hide is enabled.this effect was much more commonly used when there weren't more effective ways like comments to include nonprinting,visible document notes.

Saturday 6 June 2015 by latest videos · 0

Monday 1 June 2015

Encoding fonts.

Encoding allows you to choose the language set you want to save with the web page.the fonts tab allows you to save the character set.if you are using another language from the office language pack to create the web page be sure to save the corresponding encoding with the web page.you can also set the default font and font size on the web page.if a user opens the web page and they have the default font on their system,that's the font the page will use.if they don't have the default font,windows will substitute another font.it's a good idea to choose a common font that you can be confident most users will have available to them if you want your pages to displays correctly

Monday 1 June 2015 by latest videos · 0

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Aligning text vertically.

After you have the page orientation and paper size set,you may want to create a title page for your document.one easy way to do this is to enter the text you want on the title page and then center text vertically on the page between the top and bottom margins.to activate this feature,position the insertion point on the page you want to align.choose file page setup and click the layout tab.under vertical alignment,you will find three options.top.the default setting:text lines up with the top margin.center:text on the page is centered between the top and bottom margins.justify:text is spread out so that line are the same distance apart with the top line at the top margin and the bottom line at the bottom margin.

Tuesday 26 May 2015 by latest videos · 0

Changing page orientation and paper size.

If you think your document would look better in landscape orientation(11x8.5)than portrait(8.5x11),you can change the orientation in page setup.choose file page setup paper size or double click on the gray frame at the top of the ruler bar to open the dialog box.you can also change to another paper size entirely,including a custom size for non standard forms like note cards or half sheets.if you choose custom size,enter the dimensions for height and width.if you want to apply a page size change to only part of your document,position the insertion point at the beginning of the page you want to change,go to page setup,change the page size,and choose this point forward in the apply to control.to apply the change to a single page and not all the pages that follow it,move the insertion point to the end of the last page with this formatting,select this point forward,and change back to the original paper size.

by latest videos · 0

Wednesday 25 March 2015

The insertion point.

The insertion point or cursor is the flashing vertical bar that shows where the next character you type will be placed.you'll see blinking insertion point,show in the example below,as soon as you open a document or form.the only exception is excel,where the insertion point only appears after you begin typing.where you move the mouse pointer into an area where you can center or edit text,the pointer changes to an i-beam.to edit existing text,move the insertion point by moving the i-beam to the text you want to edit.when you click,the insertion point will jump to the new position.then you can type new text or delete existing text at the insertion point.

Wednesday 25 March 2015 by latest videos · 0

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Creating web based forms.

To make the web truly interactive,information has to go in both directions.web users need the ability to send information to the site owners,and web owners need to know about who their visitors are and what they are looking for.web forms provide a way for visitors to respond to surveys,register with a site,voice their opinions about issues,search your site,or submit feedback.you can add a form to any web page.when you add form control from the web tools toolbar,word automatically adds top of form add bottom of form boundaries to the form.word comes equipped with 11 built in control for you to use on forms.use check boxes when users are allowed to select more than one option within a group.for example,you could have your check box say something like send me more information about:and then list various choices for the user to select from.option buttons indicate that a user can select only one item from a group of options,such as receiving information daily,weekly,or monthly.drop down boxes give users a list of specific options from which they can choose one.for example,from a drop-down list of cities you can pick yours to see its weather report.list boxes are similar to drop-down boxes in that they give users a list of options to choose from.however,instead of clicking an arrow to open a list,users use scroll buttons to scroll through the list.list boxes allow users to select multiple choices by using shift or ctrl while clicking.

Wednesday 18 March 2015 by latest videos · 0

Thursday 12 March 2015

Creating web pages in access.

You can create three very different kinds of web pages.with access 2000 dynamic data access pages,server-generated HTML pages,and static web pages.you use different tools to create the different types of pages.there are advantages and disadvantages to each type.data access pages,created with the data access page wizard,are DHTML dynamic HTML pages that can include office components.data access pages are inter active.you can allow users to edit and enter database data from a browser,but they must have office 2000 and internet explorer 5 or higher.therefore,make sure to create data access pages in a relatively closed environment,like an intranet,where users need to work interactively with up-to-the minute data and you know they have the required client-side software.server generated HTML pages let you present live data,but the data will be not be updatable.microsoft interent information server is required on the server side to generate the HTML pages,so there are not generic ''publish anywhere''pages,but they work with a variety of browsers.server generated HTML pages but the work with a variety browser.server generated HTML pages are useful in a hetero geneus environment like the interent when you need to display current read only data to a variety of client browsers.you'll create static pages when you want users to view but not change or manipulate data,and significent data changes are infrequent.static pages are purely HTML,so you can publish them on a web server that doesn't include internet inforamtion server.

Thursday 12 March 2015 by latest videos · 0

Wednesday 11 March 2015

AscII graphic characters,range names.

Release 1a's capbility to use extended grapics characters to dress up a screen was an undocumented feature.these characters allowed you to draw boxes and add special symbols on the screen.with release 2, lotus has as signed different meanings to these characters.the lotus international character set,LIGS.any these extended characters must be erased or replaced with regular keyboard characters before the character can appear acceptable on an release 2 screen.release 2.01 offers an install option to use extended characters rather than LIGS characters.the exclamation point (i) is a valid part of a release 1a range name.a range name,however,preceeded by an ' has a special meaning in release 2.the means ''treat the name as a range of cells even if the name only refers to a single cell.this narrowed meaning is intended to get around a quirk in some of the new functions.for this reason,a range name connot be begin with an in release 2.if you have incorrectly used in realase 2,you might get any number of different errors depending on the way the range is used.you might get an invalid id number input or an invalid name error.

Wednesday 11 March 2015 by latest videos · 0

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Using data access page, working with pages in design view.

after you've created a data access page,user with a microsoft office 2000 license can open the page using the internet explorer browser version 5 or higher.to test an interactive data access page in its environment,open it in ie.the page has a toolbar at the buttom that viewers can use to nagate,sort,or filter the records.navigation ,sorting and filtering records works here just as it does in access database forms.if the data access page was created from an editable recordset and you didn't group the data on the page users can edit and enter records in the page as they would in a form.if a viwer makes changes to the data,they must save the changes by clciking the save button on the page toolbar,or they can undo changes by clciking the undo button on the toolbar.To modify the design of the data access object on a web page,open the page in design view by clicking the design view button.at the top of the page are text boxes in which you can enter a tiltle click here and type title text and description click and type body text.the data access object has,at minimum,a header and a navigation section.the lowest level header is equivalnent to the details section in a form or report.a new header and navigation section is added for each grouping level,so there are two sets of header.

Tuesday 10 March 2015 by latest videos · 0

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