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after you've created a data access page,user with a microsoft office 2000 license can open the page using the internet explorer browser version 5 or test an interactive data access page in its environment,open it in ie.the page has a toolbar at the buttom that viewers can use to nagate,sort,or filter the records.navigation ,sorting and filtering records works here just as it does in access database forms.if the data access page was created from an editable recordset and you didn't group the data on the page users can edit and enter records in the page as they would in a form.if a viwer makes changes to the data,they must save the changes by clciking the save button on the page toolbar,or they can undo changes by clciking the undo button on the toolbar.To modify the design of the data access object on a web page,open the page in design view by clicking the design view the top of the page are text boxes in which you can enter a tiltle click here and type title text and description click and type body text.the data access object has,at minimum,a header and a navigation section.the lowest level header is equivalnent to the details section in a form or report.a new header and navigation section is added for each grouping level,so there are two sets of header.
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